Inter-Task Integration pivotal to timely outputs
The multi-disciplinary aspect of the AdEMNEA project implies that the research outputs are divided into tasks; work packages (WP1, 2 & 3) from a couple of regimen – Computing, Engineering, Entomology, Crop Science and Meteorology.
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The multi-disciplinary aspect of the AdEMNEA project implies that the research outputs are divided into tasks; work packages (WP1, 2 & 3) from a couple of regimen – Computing, Engineering, Entomology, Crop Science and Meteorology.
Prof. Stephen Wolthusen, the AdEMNEA project’s Principle Investigator from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) highlighted the importance of the various disciplines leveraging on each other’s research outputs with the eventual culmination in an integrated system able to address the real world need of bee farming as well as mango fruit growing.
“I have noticed significant student progress in research from the data collection stage to design and prototyping. From this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) researchers’ and student’s presentations, I strongly believe the project will address real world challenges especially in Horticulture and Apiculture. The faster we release these outputs to the real beneficiaries, the better. Therefore, we need to move a little faster hence the need for inter-task integration,” Prof Stephen stressed.
Relatedly, Dr. Julianne Susanne Sansa-Otim from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) at Makerere University (MAK) revealed that several tasks have recently synergised for example;
Task 1.4 (Drone movement) + Task 3.1 (Weather)
Task 1.4 (Drone) + Tasks. 3.2 & 3.4 (Entomology, Artificial Intelligence)
Task 2.1 (Smart Bee-hive) + Task 3.2 (Entomology)
“We look forward to integrations as soon as possible, gauging by the stakeholders’ engagements with each partners – University of Juba, Dar es salaam Institute of Technology and Makerere University in Uganda. The smart bee-hive helping bee farmers monitor swarming activities and honey production while preserving the natural ecosystem to enable bees co-exist with humans. The Electronic Trap will draw as many fruit flies as possible in turn helping mango fruit farmers maximise the harvesting period,” Dr. Julianne affirmed.