Provide Training and Advisory to the beneficiaries of your research outputs – TARI
The Tanzanian Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) offers advisory to government and promote national policies, laws and regulations in addition to conducting basic, applied and strategic agricultural research.
News Article 1
The Tanzanian Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) offers advisory to government and promote national policies, laws and regulations in addition to conducting basic, applied and strategic agricultural research.
Ms. Kemigisa, a research assistant urged the project to subsidise the cost of acquiring the smart bee hive, “make the smart bee hive applicable to the small scale farmers. Provide both pre and post installation training to bee farmers and mango growers in interacting with the sensors and E-traps,” she remarked.
With the exception of researchers, the end users have very little to no technical ability in handling technology in remote farms hence the need to offer additional support in terms of training and advisory.