Mr. Florence Lello
Mr. Florence Lello
News Article 1
Mr. Florence Lello (
Research Topic - "Image Analysis, whose goal is to develop image-based proximity sensing methods and tools for automatic detection and counting of pest insects (fruit flies in mango farms)."
Currently pursuing a PhD in Information and Communication Science and Engineering and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), Tanzania in 2014 and a Master’s degree in Electronic Science and Technology from the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China in 2019. Since 2015,
I have been a Tutor and Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at DIT. His research interests include embedded systems, image processing and computer vision, IoT, and machine learning and deep learning.
I am being funded by Norwegian Government under the Adaptive Environmental Monitoring Networks for East Africa, AdEMNEA Project being implemented at Makerere University.